Walk With Me

Embarking on a life change can be exhilarating, daunting, and full of uncertainty. Seeking deeper purpose and a new challenge, I made a professional decision to step aside from school leadership. 

Now, here I am at an unplanned crossroads.

Countless individuals have walked my path with me. Personally and professionally we have navigated obstacles and gained hard-won wisdom. 

While I’m not sure yet what path I will choose on this road diverged, I figured the best way to decide is to start walking.  I’ve set out to capture the stories and insights of those who have journeyed with me. I am asking them to walk with me yet again…quite literally. Through informal interviews and candid reflections, “Walk with Me” aims to document the real-life experiences of friends and mentors – from the pivotal moments, to the challenges they overcame, to the advice they have for others.

This collection of first-hand accounts of our walks will provide a roadmap of the trials and triumphs of leadership, learning differences and motherhood – the essential trilogy of my last two decades. 

I embarked on this journey with the mindset to learn something new and the goal to nurture a culture of trust and vulnerability. There is so much to learn from one another.

So read on, and let their voices inspire, empower, and guide you as they have me.